The saasfee* Pavilion Kunst /Art Gallery

On December 6th, the saasfee* GmbH Art Pavilion hosted an extraordinary event by the BFF – Berufsverband Freie Fotografen und Filmgestalter e.V. Over 500 guests attended this unique showcase of art, photography, and film, where 28 talented photographers presented their finest works on two large screens and several high-definition monitors.

In this inspiring atmosphere, I was honored to exhibit excerpts from my Andrea Herzog_About Series, which celebrates authenticity and individuality through the stories of remarkable women. The highlights of my presentation included:

🎤 Brisa Roché – The American-French singer, whom I accompanied in Paris and her hometown in California to create a documentary about her captivating journey and artistry.

🎬 Marie Bäumer – Acclaimed actress known for films like "3 Days in Quiberon" and a personal development mentor at her unique Atelier ESCAPADE. My video excerpts showcased moments from my documentary about her inspiring work with diverse personalities and leaders.

🎶 Anna Loos – Renowned actress and singer, currently celebrated for her role in the crime series "Helen Dorn." I presented segments from the cover song of her latest album "Das Leben ist schön!", where I directed and filmed the visuals.

📽️ What unites these women? Their uncompromising authenticity, powerful optimism, and natural elegance, paired with their unique visions and missions. These qualities inspire me deeply and are what I strive to capture and share through my work. 💛